
General Gynecologic Care and Cancer Screening

Gynecology | HPV Testing | STD Testing | Fairfax VAYearly pelvic exams and Pap smears are important in monitoring your gynecologic health and screening for infection, inflammation or other abnormal cells that may indicate disease. Early detection is important in treating any disease and especially important for cervical cancer and other potentially life-threatening diseases.

Annual exams are recommended for women who are sexually active or over the age of 21. During the exam, the doctor will examine your breasts and pelvic organs for any abnormalities or changes. During a Pap smear, she will remove some tissue from the cervix to carefully examine as well. An annual exam is one of the most important steps you can take in preventing disorders of the pelvic organs.

Evaluation and treatment of the following is offered in our office:

  • Ovarian Cysts
  • Uterine Fibroids
  • Pelvic Pain
  • Abnormal Bleeding
  • Pelvic Relaxation
  • Abnormal Pap Smears, HPV Testing and Cervical Dysplasia
  • Infertility

Menopausal and Perimenopausal Evaluation and Care

Menopause is the time in a woman's life when she stops having periods, and the years leading up to this point are called perimenopause. The average age that women go through menopause is 51 years.  Although menopause is a natural process,  many women  suffer from a wide range of symptoms including irregular bleeding, hot flashes, insomnia, night sweats, fatigue, depression and more. There are many treatment options available to help relieve these symptoms, and our doctors will work with you closely to help you decide which option is best for you.

Adolescent Evaluation and Care

Gynecology | HPV Testing | STD Testing | Fairfax VAGynecological exams are valuable to adolescents in many ways. It is important for young women to be assessed early, especially if they are sexually active, and to begin a relationship with a doctor that may guide them through many important times in their lives. Our doctors promise special care and confidentiality to their younger patients.

A typical adolescent exam includes a consultation, a full medical assessment and a minimally invasive exam depending on the specific patient. Annual pelvic exams and pap smears are recommended for all women over the age of 21, but younger patients may receive a modified exam. If the patient is not sexually active, a pelvic exam may not be required. Since a gynecological exam may be overwhelming for a teenager, our doctors make sure to carefully and thoroughly explain the exam process and answer any questions the patient may have. They also answer any concerns the patient may have about their bodies as they enter adulthood. Our doctors are extra sensitive with their younger patients and work hard to develop a trust and begin a hopefully long lasting relationship.

Contraceptive Counseling

Choosing a method of contraception is an important decision that will impact a woman's daily life. Your doctor can help you find a successful method of protection for you and your partner. You will be provided with information about the different types of contraceptives and their respective advantages and disadvantages.

Birth control methods have many different variables including frequency, convenience, permanence and effectiveness. It is important to take into consideration your life, age, health and previous experience. The decision is ultimately yours, but using our knowledge and experience can help you make the right choice.

Human Papillomavirus Testing & Prevention

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a virus that causes genital warts. There are more than 100 different kinds of viruses and some of them may increase the risk for gynecologic cancers. While some types can cause genital warts, others will show no symptoms but can eventually lead to cancers of the cervix, vulva, vagina and anus. Contracted through sexual contact, the risk of infection can be reduced by using latex condoms.

While there is no cure for HPV, treatment for the symptoms caused by HPV, such as genital warts, cervical changes and cervical cancer, is available.

We also offer the Gardasil Vaccine for our patients.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Testing & Treatment

Gynecology | HPV Testing | STD Testing | Fairfax VAMost sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) have no symptoms, so it is difficult to know if you have been infected. Periodic testing is recommended for anyone with multiple sexual partners, even if they are having protected sex, using condoms. It is important to ask your partner if they have or have ever had an STD. We offer safe and confidential STD testing and treatment.

If you are diagnosed with an STD, most can be treated effectively.  Antibiotics are prescribed for Gonorrhea, Chlamydia and Syphilis and patients usually respond well. Genital warts are treated with chemical destruction and creams.  Herpes infections are treated with antiviral medications.


If you would like more information about our Gynecology procedures or to schedule an appointment, call us directly at 703-560-1611.